
Wednesday 2 March 2016

Have you been to the Lantern festival before?

On Saturday the 19th of February, my auntie and my uncle took my cousins Carlos, Summer, April, Maddy and I to the Lantern festival. We all took the train to the festival.
The first thing that we did at the festival was we checked out all the lanterns. They were big and colorful. My favorite Lantern was the one with the monkey on it. My auntie told me that the monkey lantern represents the year of the monkey.

Next we had a look around to see if any activities were available. My cousin April wanted to go on the bouncy cast, but we weren't allowed because there was an age restriction.

After that we found somewhere to sit down so that my auntie and Carlos could get all of us some candy floss.
Image result for lantern
While we were waiting, I played with my cousins. We played tag and did handstands. When we played tag, I was the first one who was in. I counted up to ten and when I hit the number ten, I ran after my cousins. We all laughed and we all had fun.

After a while my cousin and auntie came with some pink, delicious and sweet candy floss on a stick.

When we finished our candy floss, we went back home by train.

I had fun at the lantern festival. The best thing at the festival was the colorful lanterns. I hope that I can go there next year.

We are learning to write the correct structure for a recount.
I know I can do this when I write the orientation, then events and finally the conclusion.

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