
Wednesday 13 December 2017

No escape!

One day, while I was having a late night snack,  the phone rang. I put down my biscuit and walked towards the phone. I looked around, and glimpsed from the corner of my eye, a dark shadow.... I knew at that point that  someone was watching me. I picked up the phone and all I heard was the sound of heavy breathing, my body shook with fear until these four words came out in a curious tone, "Hello, who is this?". The breathing had stopped, "Look out your window" echoed in my ears. I looked out, I could see nothing, all but, a doll. It was sitting down on a chair and the light was shining on it, it was the only thing I could see because everything else was very dark and very scary.

I bravely went outside and picked it up, thinking it was just an ordinary doll, it had blood at the back of it and it also had a CD, written on it was "Watch me". I was curious about what the tape had on it so I bought the doll inside with me. I quickly ran inside, making sure I had locked the door, I was alone at the time, the only thing that was with me was my dog.

I was really tired so I hadn't watched the tape yet I waited until it was morning. I had to escape this person or thing who was coming after me. My dog kept barking at the door, it was weird because he only barks at strangers. I couldn't go sleep because I could hear scary sounds such as door creaks and heavy breathing so I had a quick walk outside with my dog.

I walked up to a dark alley way which I had to go through if I wanted to go to my friends house and feel safe. I could hear footprints behind me so I looked behind and there was no one. I ran as quick as I could until the walls behind me were closing in, I had nowhere to go, I had no escape.

A person had appeared and said "Wanna play with me?" I replied "Sure" with a very, very scared tone. He came into the light and my face was shocked because, it was a clown, he had a angry face on him and yelled "YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY", ran up towards me and..

"WAKE UP, YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" I woke up in a shock, I was relieved it was only a dream but then I had found the exact same CD that I hadn't watched... To be continued..

The End.

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