
Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Happy Birthday April!

On Saturday the 4th of April, I went to Mcdonalds with my parents and my three cousins Chloe, Carlos and Celeste. We all went by my mum's car.

At Mcdonalds we met my uncle, his friend and my cousin Summer and April. When we got to the counter we ordered some food. I had pancakes and a hot chocolate. It was delicious. While we were eating our food , my auntie, uncle and my other cousin Madelyn came with cupcakes. When I finished eating I had a little peep at the cupcakes. They were my favorite!  It was blueberry and chocolate muffins. After that we got in our cars and headed to the Easter show at the ASB showgrounds.

When we got there we had to pay for our parking which was ten dollars. We parked at the back and it was a far walk to the entrance. When we walked inside, my auntie bought a family pass(tickets). There were 45 passes per group. I was partnered with my parents and my cousin Celeste.

Our first ride was the wavy roller coaster. It went up and down. It made my tummy tickle. When it finished, we got off the ride, we felt dizzy and our legs were wobbly. After that we checked out some more cool games and we met up with my cousins, uncle and his friend again.

After a while we went to our second ride, which was the bumper cars. It looked bumpy to me. Celeste and I versed each other. I was in a golden car and Celeste was in a blue car. When we got in our cars, a man told us the rules. He said, "You have to go around in circles and you have to keep your foot on the bottom right pedal." It was bumpy but fun.

Next, we went to our third ride. It was the spaceship. When we got inside we had to lie down on the couches. After five minutes the spaceship started to spin around for 20 minutes. When I tried to get up, my body felt heavy. When e got out we had to walk as fast as we could to get our circus tickets.

When we got there, we saw my auntie, uncle and their three daughters. My parents bought us 4 tickets and they also bought cotton candy, popcorn, fizzes and juices. I had popcorn and L&P.

When we got inside, we watched the first act. Two people were dancing wearing purple the others were wearing red. Later on a boy came on stage juggling heaps of balls. It was cool!

When the show was over, we went on our last ride. It was the haunted train. I sat next to Celeste. At first it was dark but I can still read the word on the wall that said HELP ME! While I was reading it, a ghost popped up. I felt scared and I screamed my lungs out! I really thought that it was a very frightening experience for me. At the end of the train ride I felt wet with sweat.

It was the best day ever because I got to attend to my little cousin's birthday. I wished that we stayed longer.

WALT-understand and use language features.
I know I can do this when I use appropriate adjectives and verbs in my recount. 

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